Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's that time money...

One of the things I do every week is cut coupons.  Let me tell you...this is NOT something I a matter of fact, I rather dread it.   However,  each week, I save my family a minimum of 62% of our grocery bill.  This past week, I saved $244.00!!   Guess how much I spent?   I'm not tellin...ok ok...I spent on one week,  $169.00!   That is a savings of 69%!   Now, I am getting better at this as time goes by.  But a good friend of mine saves generally over 80% a week!!

I will give weekly savings to not only help you learn how to do it, but to encourage you.

One of the best things about couponing is not only the fact that we are saving money, but the fact that we can help other people.  We are a family of 9 at home.  We don't have a lot of money, but we can still find a way to give and help people.   Nothing is better than a chance to bless someone with what God saved us!

This is the binder I created to hold coupons.  The plastic organizer is actually for baseball cards and then I added labels. Makes it much easier to see what I have at a glance and I don't have to go through a file system blindly.
This is how it starts.  News papers, adds, and coupons.  I try to gather multiple Sunday papers from friends that don't want them or recycle bins.  
I then take the coupon magazines in the paper, separate each page and stack them in duplicate etc.  Then I can cut the same coupon out but only 1 time.  Then file and I am done.  
An action shot of me cutting....don't blink, I am pretty fast at this's so impressive!
Choosing the products that you use is important.   I have a separate stack of coupons for things that are great deals or even free that I DON'T use and give them to a local food bank or a family in need.  


  1. If I could remember to bring the coupons I cut out it would help. Is there an app for that yet?

  2. HA! That is funny! Well, I am sure there is some sort of add....I leave mine in the car so I don't forget them, then when I get to the store I leave them in the car and have to run back out!
